Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cannot believe how hard it is to think of a blog-name

It's distinctly lowering that I cannot think of a single pun or amusing saying which is one-word-long, punchy, pretty, and incontrovertibly my own. I hope that this is because I drew a mental blank when put on the spot with 'think of a name for your blog', rather than that I have never come up with a single non-verbose witticism in my entire life.

I started going through several bizarre-and-interesting words which I thought had a chance of not having been thought of already. They had been. ('Octothorp', for example, isn't in the Shorter Oxford but evidently that one was taken).

Most of my favourite t-shirt slogans turned out to be Too Many Words, so I turned to the Jargon File. Many of their obscure-but-interesting words were too long, or had already been done. Including 'dogcow' and 'moof'.

Did Clarus start a line of Confused Animals, though? I started thinking up a 'mogcow'. It stretches out in fields, waiting for milk with a thoughtful expression, because it has never quite worked out whether it's waiting for a bowl of milk or to be milked. A slow, rather soothing rumbling arises from its tired body. This could be something to do with its complicated digestive system, or a purr. Its colouration could be described as Friesian, or British Standard Moggy. In inclement weather, it curls up. And, of course, its name is 'Claw-Us' and it goes 'mewf!' (Yes, I realise this breaks the pun a bit, but it's what you get after having been sitting here for twenty minutes typing non-existent words into Blogger and finding it's already got a blog for all of them...)

The pity is, I cannot come up with a nice little cartoon for this, even if I can visualise it quite well. In the first paragraph, I managed to draw a blank, but doubt my artistic abilities can carry me much beyond that.

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